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Our mission is to empower engineers with expertise, skills, and passion to drive positive global change. We achieve this through personalized mentoring, small class settings, and faculty dedicated to student success.

First Classes Fall 2024

Curriculum Features

B.S., Mechanical Engineering (ME)
B.S., Electrical Engineering (EE)

All labs and lectures are taught by full-time faculty

Common First Year

Students choose major after exposure to breadth of engineering

First Semester

  • Embedded systems (Arduinos)
  • Computer aided design and 3D printing

Second Semester

  • Interdisciplinary Design
  • MATLAB (a second programming language)
Multidisciplinary engineering design

Common design classes for both EE and ME students

  • Year 1 (semester),
  • Year 3 (semester),
  • Year 4 (2 semesters)
Cost-Conscious and Affordable
  • Common classes for both EE and ME students whenever possible
  • Utilize free software and instructional materials when appropriate
  • Always consider the cost to the student
Hands on
  • Many classes have integrated labs relating theory to practice
  • Many classes contain projects
Lean and Feasible
  • EE or ME degree can be completed in 4 years
  • Maximum of 17 credit hours/semester
Short Courses
  • Courses on a narrowly-focused topic
  • 7 – 8 meetings in half semester (0.5 credit)
  • Engineering, science, math, computer science (6 short courses)
  • Business (6 short courses)
First Classes Fall 2024

Engineering Majors

Electrical Engineering deals with the study, design, and application of systems that use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetics. While many people associate electrical engineering with electronics and circuits, electrical engineering encompasses a wide variety of areas including embedded systems, computer and other types of digital electronic systems, signal processing, control systems, and communication systems.An undergraduate degree in EE can also open the door to entrepreneurship or graduate school in engineering, law, business, and medicine.

Electrical Engineering deals with the study, design, and application of systems that use electricity, electronics, and electromagnetics. While many people associate electrical engineering with electronics and circuits, electrical engineering encompasses a wide variety of areas including embedded systems, computer and other types of digital electronic systems, signal processing, control systems, and communication systems.An undergraduate degree in EE can also open the door to entrepreneurship or graduate school in engineering, law, business, and medicine.

Electronics and integrated circuits are what most people think about when they think about electrical engineering. Circuits are designed for a wide variety of applications and are the building blocks (along with mathematics and science) for many of the other areas in electrical engineering.

Pacemakers are a specialized application of electronics which must be designed to limit power consumption.

A cell phone demonstrates many different aspects of electrical engineering, such as the antenna used to transmit and receive signals (music, voice, video are all signals), the communication systems used to determine how to transmit and decode received signals, the embedded system (computer) used to connect everything together and process signals, and the battery and powering systems.

Embedded systems use specialized single chip microcontrollers to interface to various subsystems. These microcontrollers are programmed to use this information to monitor and control the behavior of a system in an intelligent way. For example, a typical automobile will have over 30 different microcontrollers to monitor subsystems.

Control systems involves the use of modelling and feedback to modify or “control” the behavior of a system. For example, control systems keep a Segway upright and direct and land rockets.

MRI scanners make extensive use of electrical engineering including electromagnetics, electronics, and signal processing.

Communication systems involve the design and analysis of system to improve the worldwide network of cell phones, satellite radio, high definition television, and data transfer. This includes the de- sign of the internet and new satellite systems.

Signal processing uses mathematical and computer analysis to modify or enhance signals and images.

Digital systems use digital logic subsystems to create larger digital systems, such as computers, microcontrollers, and digital cameras.

Mechanical Engineering is one of the broadest engineering majors. It focuses on problem solving in analysis, design, and production of mechanical and thermal systems. Mechanical engineers apply their knowledge in diverse fields. Continue reading for examples of some of the questions you would learn to tackle as an ME. An undergraduate degree in ME can also open the door to entrepreneurship or graduate school in engineering, law, business, and medicine.


  • How do we design strong, safe robots?
  • How do we create robots to do what we need to do – Robot surgery? Look for forest fires? Check whether a mine is safe?

Wind Turbines

  • What shape should the blades be?
  • How much power can we get from the wind?
  • Why are the blades so big? Would smaller ones work just as well?
  • What do we make it out of to withstand hurricanes?
  • How do you assemble it in the middle of the water?


  • How fast will it go?
  • How do we speed it up and slow it down and when?
  • What do we make it out of to withstand hurricanes?

Rocket Ships

  • How much thrust do we need?
  • How do we design the nozzle to generate that thrust?
  • How much drag from the rocket body?
  • How do we keep it from burning up on reentry?
  • How strong do the body and legs need to be?
  • What do we make it out of so it doesn’t break?
  • The motors and legs move — how do we actuate them and when?
  • How do we manufacture many rockets?


  • How do we reduce tire and air drag for greater efficiency?
  • How do the tires, suspension, and body work together for a smooth ride?
  • How do we manufacture quality vehicles at a competitive cost?
  • Electric and hybrid vehicles need batteries — how do we move that weight and how do we keep them from catching on fire?
  • Gas-powered and hybrid vehicles need internal combustion engines and gas tanks — how do we run those efficiently and safely?
  • Why not hydrogen-fueled cars?
Highly-qualified Drury Engineering Faculty

Contact Your Professors

Dr. Bob Throne



  • BS in EECS and Math (MIT)
  • MS and PhD in EE (Michigan)

Teaching Experience

  • U of Nebraska (11 years)
  • Rose-Hulman (21 years)

Other Experience

  • Department Head at Rose-Hulman
  • ABET (engineering accreditation) evaluator

Dr. Lorraine Olson



  • MS and PhD in EE (Michigan)

Teaching Experience

  • U of Michigan (5 years)
  • U of Nebraska (11 years)
  • Rose-Hulman (21 years)

Other Experience

  • Department Head at Rose-Hulman
  • ABET (engineering accreditation) evaluator