Drury Fusion Day
Profession + Life

Your Drury Fusion

As the world evolves, so should the way we approach an education. Your career is important, but so is a life best lived. Your professional skills should apply to a range of career options you may have during your lifetime. But beyond that -- learning to think critically is key.

That's where Your Drury Fusion comes in. It's a new kind of education for a new generation.

Fusion isn't just a major and it isn't just a career path. Through Your Drury Fusion, you'll find not only your profession, but further discover your passions and learn to find your balance -- all in one four-year degree.

Your Drury fusion

How Does It Work?

The Compass Center
Your Fusion HQ. The Compass Center will connect with your own mentoring squad to provide holistic support for both academic and career success even before your first day on campus.
Hands-on Experience
You'll get involved -- service learning, an internship, research, studying abroad. You'll complete at least three projects that will prepare you for the real world
You will complete three or more total -- at least one major and at least one certificate, with at least one credential in the profession category and one in life.
Frontiers & Intersections
In these first-year courses, you'll wrap your brain around complex, multidisciplinary issues.
Explore the world through seven compelling areas of study that promote a broad education throughout your time on campus.
Digital Portfolio
By senior year, you'll have an impressive resume of hands-on projects and proven experience in the field. These become part of a digital portfolio that you can use to market yourself with prospective employers and graduate or professional schools.
Compass Center: Your Front Door to Success
Your Drury Fusion: Colin Rader
Your Drury Fusion: Serena Berrey
Discover More Fusion Stories
> 1 in 4
Drury graduates are enrolled in graduate or professional school
> 2 out of 3
Graduates were employed, in graduate school or working for a service organization within 6 months
A majority of graduates complete an internship before graduation