On April 2, 2022 the International Student Association (ISA) celebrated its annual International Food Festival. Being a celebration of all the different countries and cultures represented at Drury, the International Food Festival is one of the biggest events organized on campus.
The International Food Festival is completely student run by ISA, so they are the ones that make sure this event goes smoothly. However, ISA decided to work with other student organizations this year to help spotlight them since they are organizations that promote diversity and inclusion. These organizations were the French Club, Honors Student Association, and Black United Independent Collegiate (BUIC). The French Club made crêpes, the Honors Student Associations president made lumpia from the Philippines, and BUICs president performed a K-pop dance. Additionally, the members from these organizations helped with cooking and decorating.
Moreover, at the International food Festival this year we had food from Brazil, Ecuador, France, Japan, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Taiwan, and Vietnam. As well as performances from Germany, India, two from Malaysia, two from Mexico, South Korea, and the ISA council, which consists of members from various countries. In addition to this, there was also a parade in which international students present at the Food Festival got to represent their country by walking around the venue with their flag. After the main festivities, there was an after party in which people requested and danced to music from all around the world, learned how to make origami, got henna art, and played games from different cultures such as lotteria from Mexico, Indian chess, Mahjong from China, and Ddakji from South Korea.
While we had a successful Food Festival last year, it was difficult to fully enjoy it because of the Covid-19 safety regulations that we were observing. Since then, Drury University has worked hard in continuing to ensure the safety of our students and staff through vaccinations and compliance with the World Health Organization's guidelines. The students and staff matched the Universities efforts and we were able to hold the International Food Festival at full capacity which made for an incredible evening. We hope that this enthusiasm will be carried over into the upcoming years so our Drury community can continue to celebrate and uplift each other.
For more information about what Drury University has to offer check out the links below!

Drury University Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/DruryUniversity/
Drury University Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DruryUniversity/
Drury ISA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/druryisa/
Drury ISA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalStudentUnion/
Drury IA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iadmissions/
Drury IA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/idrurymo
Drury French Club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/druryfrench/
Drury French Club Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DruryFrenchClub
Drury BUIC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drury_buic/
Drury BUIC Twitter: https://twitter.com/Drurybuic
Drury Honor Student Association Information Page: https://www.drury.edu/life-at-drury/get-involved/honors-student-association/
Drury Honor Student Association Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/honors.drury/
Drury Honor Student Association Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/druryhonorsprogram